What we do as a UAV Service Provider

UAV Data Collection
We offer a fully automated aerial image acquisition system for drones to ensure high-resolution aerial images with proper intervals. We use different sensor ( RGB, NIR, Thermal ) according to project need. We optimize the data acquisition through in-house preplan which reduce survey time on field.

UAV Mapping Service
We provide professional Drone data processing service. The service includes aerial triangulation, point cloud generation, DTM / DSM creation, Orthophoto production, Mapping (3D, 2D), report generation and consulting. Our data products fulfill the requirement of clients and ensure real-world matching.

Need UAV Pilot ..?
We have a strong connection with all leading licensed and Hobby UAV/Drone pilots for various application sectors like Photography, Events, Mapping, Inspection, Surveillance, Marketing, etc. Based on client needs, We can provide pilots on a permanent, contractual and project basis.